Important PG&E Shutoff Update
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown - Update October 16, 2020 8:00 AM
Power has been restored to all San Jose Water stations serving our mountain customers. Back-up power generators are no longer needed. No customers lost water service during this PSPS event. Thank you for our customers for their patience and understanding during this time.
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown - Update October 14, 2020 3:00 PM
San Jose Water is aware of PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS) tentatively scheduled to go into effect on Wednesday, October 14th on or after 8:00 PM.
This event will affect a small portion of customers – about 200 connections in the Santa Cruz Mountains around Redwood Estates. The majority of SJW customers will not be affected.
Plans are already in effect to have backup power at all of our facilities that may be impacted by the PSPS event.
To verify if you may be affected, please visit PG&E’s website.
Should your home or business experience any problem with water service, contact us at (408) 279-7900.
More information will be available throughout the PG&E event on our website and social media platforms: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. #sjwaterco
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown - Update October 29, 2019 10:00 AM
PG&E’s October 26th Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS) has been given the “all clear” in Santa Clara County and PG&E is in the process of inspecting power lines, making repairs, and restoring service. Many parts of our service area have had power restored but there are still a few pockets that are awaiting power restoration. This can take 24 to 48 hours to complete.
Another round of PSPS will start later today, October 29, 2019 around 11 PM. Per PG&E’s maps, this appears to be a smaller affected area than previous PSPS events and SJW facilities do not anticipate any power interruptions.
While we may not be affected by tonight’s PSPS, SJW continues to prepare for any contingency. Back-up power is available at many of our pumping stations and reservoirs to make sure water is available to you. No customers lost water service in the past week due to the power outage.
Thank you for your assistance during these challenging PG&E PSPS events. Your conservation efforts have been appreciated and allowed SJW to minimize the use of fossil fuels while running many generators.
We realize there are still homes and businesses without power. Should you experience any problem with water service, please contact us at (408) 279-7900.
Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: hwfj-art.com/PSPS-Update.
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown - Update October 28, 2019 5:45 PM
SJW is monitoring the various PG&E PSPS events that are evolving.
The Oct. 26th PSPS has received the “all clear” and PG&E is in the process of inspecting and restoring service. This process may take 24 to 48 hours and involves power line inspections and repairs before restoring the power.
However, another wind event may be right around the corner that would result in another PSPS event starting tomorrow, October 29th. We will keep you updated with information as soon as it is available.
SJW will continue to prepare for any contingency. Back-up power is available at many of our pumping stations and reservoirs to make sure water is available to you. No customers lost water service in the past week due to the power outage.
Please continue your conservation efforts during these PSPS events. SJW asks that all customers limit their water use to only essential activities such as cooking and bathing. Please refrain from other uses such as landscape irrigation. Turn off any irrigation controllers.
We realize there are still homes and businesses without power. Should you experience any problem with water service, please contact us at (408) 279-7900.
Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: hwfj-art.com/PSPS-Update.
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown - Update October 28, 2019 10:00 AM
PG&E has given Santa Clara County the “all clear” and has begun turning power back on after the Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS). This process may take 24 to 48 hours and involves power line inspections, repairs, and then restoration of power.
However, another wind event may be right around the corner that would result in another PSPS event starting tomorrow, October 29th. We will keep you updated with information as soon as it is available.
SJW will continue to prepare for any contingency. Back-up power is available at many of our pumping stations and reservoirs to make sure water is available to you. No customers lost water service in the past week due to the power outage.
Thank you for your conservation efforts during this most recent PSPS event. Your help allowed water to be available for essential uses like cooking and bathing. Turning off your irrigation systems helped maintain adequate water supplies for fire protection needs in our area.
We realize there are still homes and businesses without power. Should you experience any problem with water service, please contact us at (408) 279-7900.
Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: hwfj-art.com/PSPS-Update.
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown – Update October 27, 2019 5:00 PM
PG&E’s Public Safety Power Shutdown continues to affect our service area with power outages.
SJW is monitoring its operations to ensure our customers have water service. Back-up generators are in place at multiple pump stations and storage tanks to allow water to continue to flow. This is a 24-hour operation until the end of the PSPS event.
We are also in regular contact with the Emergency Operations Centers for Santa Clara County and Valley Water, formerly known as the Santa Clara Valley Water District.
SJW is closely monitoring the situation. Should your home or business experience any problem with water service, contact us at (408) 279-7900. For those areas that may experience water service issues related to this PSPS, we will communicate with you via call or SMS text with status updates.
SJW asks that all customers limit their water use to only essential activities such as cooking and bathing. Please refrain from other uses such as landscape irrigation. Turn off any irrigation controllers.
Thank you for your conservation assistance during this PSPS event. It reduces the need to operate fossil-fuel powered generators and pumps, as well as ensure that water storage reservoirs are kept full to meet fire-protection needs.
Our thoughts are with evacuees who have had to flee their homes and businesses due to fires as well as the firefighters who relentlessly fight these infernos throughout the Bay Area.
Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: hwfj-art.com/PSPS-Update. More info is available at http://5g06.hwfj-art.com/pge-psps
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown - Update October 27, 2019 9:30 AM
The PG&E Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) has affected parts of our service area since last night at approximately 8 PM. Some customers in San Jose, Saratoga, Los Gatos, Cupertino, Monte Sereno, and parts of unincorporated Santa Clara County including Redwood Estates, have lost power.
Throughout the evening, San Jose Water staff monitored our pump stations and key storage tanks to make sure back-up power was working properly to maintain water service for customers. These actions will continue throughout the PSPS event.
We are also in regular contact with the Emergency Operations Centers for Santa Clara County and Valley Water, formerly known as the Santa Clara Valley Water District.
SJW is closely monitoring the situation. Should your home or business experience any problem with water service, contact us at (408) 279-7900. For those areas that may experience water service issues related to this PSPS, we will communicate with you via call or SMS text with status updates.
SJW asks that all customers limit their water use to only essential activities such as cooking and bathing. Please refrain from other uses such as landscape irrigation. Turn off any irrigation controllers.
Thank you for your conservation assistance during this PSPS event. It reduces the need to operate fossil-fuel powered generators and pumps, as well as ensure that water storage reservoirs are kept full to meet fire-protection needs.
Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: hwfj-art.com/PSPS-Update. More info is available at http://5g06.hwfj-art.com/pge-psps
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown - Update October 26, 2019 8:35 PM
PG&E began shutting off power to parts of Santa Clara County at approximately 8:00 PM, October 26, 2019.
Our staff is working through the night to ensure your continued water service. Back-up generators are in place at key storage tanks and pump stations.
We are closely monitoring the situation. Should your home or business experience any problem with water service, contact us at (408) 279-7900. For those areas that may experience water service issues related to this PSPS, we will communicate with you via call or SMS text with status updates.
SJW asks that all customers limit their water use to only essential activities such as cooking and bathing. Please refrain from other uses such as landscape irrigation. Turn off any irrigation controllers.
Please visit our PSPS update page to learn more about what this means for our customers: hwfj-art.com/PSPS-Update More info is available at http://5g06.hwfj-art.com/pge-psps
PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown - Update October 25, 2019
San Jose Water is aware of PG&E Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS) tentatively scheduled to go into effect on Saturday, October 26th on or after 6:00 PM.
We are diligently working to maintain water service for all our customers. As with the last PSPS in early October, we have back-up generators in place and a plan to maintain power to all our facilities, including storage tanks and pump stations, to ensure the continued provision of water service.
Keeping customers informed is important and information will be disseminated throughout the PSPS on our website and our social media platforms.
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Be Prepared
All residents should be prepared for any natural disaster, including earthquakes and power interruptions. There are many sources of emergency preparedness information, including our own website.
SJW staff are monitoring the situation closely and will provide updates on our website as well as on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Head to the PG&E website to find out more about possible outages and what areas are affected. You can also give us a call at (408) 279-7900.